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In Person Appointments

Getting Here

For in person appointments, we are located in the Valhalla Building in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle.

The address is 5306 Ballard Ave, Seattle, 98107


Street parking is available. Most parking closest to the office requires payment. There are some options that are free, but it may require you to walk a few blocks. Please arrive early to allow time to find parking. 

Elizabeth's Office 
Suite 217

There are two Grey Matters clinic offices in the Valhalla building. Elizabeth's office is in suite 217. The entrance to the right of Anchored Ship coffee will allow you to take the elevator to the 2nd floor. If you arrive early, please find a seat. There are seating options above the stairway or outside of the elevator on the 2nd floor. Elizabeth will find you when it is time for your appointment. If you arrive late and there is no do-not-disturb sign on the door, you may knock. 

Stacie and Jacki's Office
Suite 208

There are two Grey Matters clinic offices in the Valhalla building. Jacki and Stacie's office is in suite 208. The entrance to the right of Anchored Ship coffee will allow you to take the elevator to the 2nd floor. If you arrive early, please find a seat. If you arrive late and there is no do-not-disturb sign on the door, you may knock. 

Locked Office

Rarely, the outside office doors are locked due to holidays or after regular office hours. If this occurs, locate the call box outside of the main 5306 building entrance, scroll to find Elizabeth Vidas, and call to gain entrance to the building. 

©2024 by Midwest Mental Health

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